Democrats Will Do Anything to Hold Power

Freedom Financial News | Posted Oct 30, 2024

Dear Reader,

The city’s buzzing, Wall Street’s right around the corner, but in a makeshift studio, something bigger’s brewing. Stephen K. Bannon, fresh from federal prison, is back, and he’s ready to ignite a fire under his War Room posse. He’s calling out the Democrats, the media, the so-called elite. They had four months to try and break him. And they failed.

  • Return with Purpose: Fresh from federal prison, Bannon jumps right back into the War Room with a relentless drive to rally his supporters for the November 5 showdown.
  • Democrats Won’t Surrender Power Easily: Bannon paints a clear picture of a three-phase struggle against the Democrats, determined to block Trump’s path by any means.
  • Full-Throttle Ground Game: This isn’t just about politics; it’s personal. Bannon calls his audience the backbone of the movement and demands superhuman effort to get out the vote.

Now he’s here, looking sharper than ever, his message ringing through the screen. He calls it like he sees it: America’s at a crossroads. We’re “Six and a wake-up” until one of the biggest elections in the nation’s history. And it’s not just another political battle. It’s a showdown. Bannon’s strategy? Simple. Three phases to take on the Democrats and win this for Trump and the American people.

The First Phase: November 5th.

That’s the day that matters. The day America decides. Bannon’s got his eyes on the prize, the battleground states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and North Carolina. His message is blunt: This election can’t be stolen. “Not again.” And he doesn’t trust the polls—never did, never will. It’s about showing up, ballots in hand, and overwhelming the system. “Elon Musk’s backing it. Charlie Kirk’s all in. Are you?”

He doesn’t sugarcoat the fight ahead. It’ll take grit, sweat, and determination. Knocking on doors, burning up phone lines, texting nonstop. Bannon doesn’t hold back on his admiration for his team, the relentless co-hosts, and his army of supporters. To him, they’re more than followers. They’re warriors.

The Second Phase: Don’t Let Them Steal It.

Bannon warns his audience: they’re gearing up for a fight. The Democrats, with heavyweight lawyer Mark Elias leading their charge, won’t stop at anything to delay, dilute, and delegitimize. If they can’t win, they’ll bury the victory in courtrooms and chaos. Bannon’s got his own legal titans—Mike Davis, Boris Epshteyn, and Bill McGinley—ready to fight tooth and nail. “Every day after November 5th is a new Stalingrad,” he says, “and we’re ready.”

The Third Phase: Delegitimize the Lie.

As Bannon sees it, the last card in the Democrat deck is to paint Trump’s supporters as “fascists,” throw mud, rewrite the narrative, and call it “just.” He scoffs at the smear campaign. A broadside against American values, he calls it. And he’s not alone. The press can rant, the pundits can sneer, but the real America—the people, the patriots—are standing by, ready to show up.

He lays it out bluntly. If they can get the win, hold the line, and make it stick, there’s no stopping Trump’s return. “On January 20th, Trump’s hand will be on his family’s King James Bible, taking that oath.” For Bannon, it’s as clear as day.

This is Bannon’s War Room, cranked up, battle-tested, and back in action. The message is simple: vote, stand strong, and get ready.

Freedom Financial News

Editor’s Note: Porter Stansberry is known for making bold predictions that cut against the mainstream, “approved” narrative.

He predicted the 1998 emerging market crisis, the 2007 financial crisis, the bankruptcy of General Motors, the loss of America’s AAA-credit rating, and the recent wave of banking collapses.

But HERE he issues the most shocking prediction of his career:

He says the 2024 election will divide our nation… but not how you would expect.  

The chasm that will be ripped open the moment the polls close has nothing to do with who you vote for, who is elected President, or even what policies they plan to put in place.

What’s coming on November 5th is farbigger than any politician or party…

It involves the convergence of several unseen financial forces – forces that have been building under the surface for years, and have now hit the breaking point.

As these forces erupt, Porter believes they could trigger an unstoppable chain reaction that cleaves the financial markets in two… destroying millions of unsuspecting investors’ wealth while making a fortune for those who know what’s coming.

Yet nobody is warning you of what’s coming…

Until now. Porter has just released an emergency election broadcast to help you prepare for – and profit from – the cataclysm that’s coming the moment the polls close. To watch Porter’s broadcast, go here now.