Warning: A Ruthless Predator Is Loose

Warning: A Ruthless Predator Is Loose

Robert Kiyosaki

Brian Maher

Contributor, Freedom Financial News
Posted Jan 23, 2025

Dear Reader,

An invasive species — a globally invasive species — is loose.

It is an apex predator of vast appetites. Its limitless ambitions span planet Earth, pole to pole.

This mighty fi-fo-fum presently besieges a tiny burgh high in the Alps of Switzerland.

Private jet aircraft lowered him in.

Rolex watches encircle his wrists, Armani clothing cloaks his back.

He rolls around in expensive automobiles pushed by electricity.

What is this creature, precisely?

It is a bizarre homunculus named Homo Davos — Davos Man.

Where the Elite Meet

Each year he descends upon the high Swiss resort of Davos. There he lives a grand and gorgeous week in the company of like fellows.

Nearly 3,000 of them from 130 nations presently huddle thereat.

These are the world’s kingpins, the world’s chieftains, the world’s great and — as they see it — the world’s good.

These are the world’s grandees, the world’s visionaries, the world’s prophets.

These are the world’s think-tankers, the world’s planners, the world’s deep staters.

And these are your betters — again, as they see it.

Why do they congregate in Davos?

Think of the Symbolism

Consider: Davos lacks the dining and entertainment venues of a Paris, of a London, of a New York.

I understand the Swiss resorts of St. Moritz and Gstaad — to name two alone — boast superior skiing.

Yet Davos is the very penthouse of Europe. It is the highest city on the continent, a sort of Olympus.

Is it coincidence Davos Man selects the highest city on the continent? I hazard it is far from coincidence. Its symbolism is vast.

As Davos Man is above you… you are beneath him… as lord rises above serf… as bigwig rises above little wig.

From this high perch he sets the world to rights and bosses it about.

And let it be known: Davos Man is a very vain and self-regarding fellow.

“The future is not just happening,” uber-Davos Man Klaus Schwab gloated at the 2022 confabulation, adding:

  • The future is built by us, by a powerful community as you here in this room. We have the means to improve the state of the world…

The Fatal Conceit

Thus Davos Man believes he is an engineer — not of machines but of men. Yet here he falls into fatal error…

He mistakes his ability to engineer his physical world for his ability to engineer his social world.

In theory they are one — engineering is engineering. In reality they are two.

The hormone-ruled, capricious and willful human being has no existence along the engineer’s x and y axes.

As well attempt to engineer a mob of alley cats into a marching band.

You cannot do it.

Yet Davos Man believes the ability is within him.

Mr. Hayek famously labeled it the “fatal conceit.”

“Collaboration in the Intelligent Age ”

This year’s Davos confabulation goes under the banner “Collaboration in the Intelligent Age.”

I will likely be a veteran flame in Hell once the Intelligent Age dawns.

Yet for today’s purposes I accept Davos Man’s verdict. I suspend disbelief… and allow that humanity is entering the Intelligent Age.

The abovesaid, fatally conceited Schwab:

  • The 21st century is, so far, being defined by its dramatic leap in intelligent technologies — a leap that has brought humanity into an era I call the Intelligent Age, in which large segments of global society now have access to unprecedented technological intelligence.
  • These technologies are becoming deeply ingrained in our everyday lives and changing the world at the most profound individual and international levels.
  • Artificial intelligence is, unsurprisingly, the linchpin of this transformation. It has rapidly evolved from a specialized tool to a general-purpose technology that, like electricity and the steam engine, is reshaping industries, economies, and even the way we think about ourselves.
  • This surge of technological development comes, not surprisingly, at the same time that the world is grappling with global challenges that demand our immediate, and collective, attention and action.

Hence Davos Man’s self-professed responsibility to direct the show.

“Misinformation and Disinformation”

Among Davos Man’s most frightful bugaboos are “misinformation and disinformation.”

Reads the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2025:

  • Misinformation and disinformation remain top short-term risks for the second consecutive year, underlining their persistent threat to societal cohesion and governance by eroding trust and exacerbating divisions within and between nations. 

Davos Man wrings his wrists and gnashes his teeth over AI’s ability to fan them both.

He fears it will shatter his grip upon men’s minds. As he sees it, his rightful grip upon men’s minds.

It is his consecrated duty and responsibility — after all — to disseminate misinformation and disinformation.

And he is resentful of competition. I do not believe I stretch the facts.

He misinformed and disinformed,  heavily, during the 2020 plague. I recall it well.

More recently he has misinformed and disinformed about the nastiness in Ukraine — in my telling at least.

That is, Davos Man often fears not misinformation and disinformation.

He fears information.

Climate Control

Climate is Davos Man’s greatest hobbyhorse, his central fixation.

It is forever on his mind — and his lips.

Climate change is, after all, a menace truly global.

Only a concerted global effort can rout it… which precisely accounts for his obsession with it and the demon molecule carbon dioxide.

He holds the solutions in his arsenal: Centralized economic planning, taxation, wealth redistribution… and on a global scale.

Old Archimedes said:

“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”

Carbon dioxide is Davos Man’s lever. The alpine city of Davos is his fulcrum.

From there he would move the world.

“Power Is What All Messiahs Really Seek”

Davos Man would have you believe he is a very benevolent fellow.

His sole concern is humanity and its salvation. All powerlust is absent from him.

Yet I trust Davos Man’s intentions no more than I trust a dog with my dinner.

I harbor the deepest suspicion of him.

As noted the irreplaceable Mencken:

“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve.”

To Serve Man

I am reminded of the vintage Twilight Zone television series.

In one episode superficially benevolent spacemen descend upon Earth.

They bear a book with them: To Serve Man. 

It offers a blueprint for secular heaven.

The human population will flourish under kindly alien mentorship.

World peace will reign forever and ever, world without end.

Through their agricultural technologies, the very deserts will bloom … and hunger will vanish from Earth.

To Serve Man?

Only too late did man realize it was a cookbook…


Brian Maher

for Freedom Financial News