Dear Reader,
Have I misunderestimated President Trump?
This I wrote on Nov. 6:
- The bureaucratic agencies that sabotaged his first term will sabotage his second term. They will maneuver against him and bottle him. They will mine the roadways and dynamite the bridges.
- If Trump orders his understrapper to do such and such that the understrapper does not wish to do… the understrapper will say yes… then proceed to heave the order into his hellbox.
- Or if understrapper number one passes the order along to understrapper number two, understrapper number two will heave the order into his own hellbox. So on and so on, down and down the line, clear through the bureaucracy.
- How can this dictator accomplish anything in the teeth of such ferocious opposition? He cannot.
Yet the president has raised his broadsword from its scabbard… and is proceeding against the bureaucratic agencies with might and main… with fierce abandon.
Or one of them at least.
God Bless the USAID
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is — in the official telling:
“The principal U.S. agency to extend assistance to countries recovering from disaster, trying to escape poverty, and engaging in democratic reforms.”
USAID drummers say humanity is its sole concern.
It is crewed by sob-mongers and tear-squeezers who stick food in hungry mouths… put medicines in ill bodies… and put the houseless in houses.
Meantime, USAID spreads America’s democratic gospel to the world’s benighted.
In all, they are a swell bunch. The angels and saints are with them.
That is the message of the mainstream media. Here is what the mainstream media does does not tell you:
The United States Agency for International Development is a false mask of the Central Intelligence Agency.
The Ultimate Nerve Center Of A Rogue Foreign Policy Establishment
Mr. Michael Benz once toiled for the United States State Department.
He presently directs an outfit named the Foundation for Freedom Online. From whom:
- USAID [is] the Ultimate Nerve Center Of A Rogue Foreign Policy Establishment… USAID is CIA. There is no daylight between those two organizations…
- I fear USAID much more than I fear the CIA, because USAID is how [the] CIA gets s**t done… When it’s too dirty for the CIA, you give it to USAID… USAID IS NOTORIOUS FOR FUNDING THE DARKEST, MOST HORRIFYING PROJECTS KNOWN TO MANKIND.
The most horrifying projects known to mankind? Please, sir… do tell:
- From funding the Wuhan lab to funding the irrigation of crops for heroin production [in Afghanistan] to… even setting up fake HIV clinics in order to use as cover for regime change… under the cloak of public health institutions.
Mr. Benz does not necessarily condemn all USAID skunkwork — he acknowledges it may be an apt tool of statecraft.
When did he train his cannons on USAID?
When he was alerted to its mass censorship operations against American citizens:
- I was not sure how I felt about all that until I discovered the sheer and staggering depths of USAID’s role in the construction of the internet censorship apparatus that took down free speech in America starting in 2016. That was the final straw for me.
USAID Is the Deep State
You are aware of the term”deep state?” The deep state, as Wikipedia defines it, is:
- A type of government made up of potentially secret and unauthorized networks of power operating independently of a state’s political leadership in pursuit of their own agenda and goals.
Now consider the comments of sitting Secretary of State, Mr. Marco Rubio.
Of USAID, he claimed:
- They have basically evolved into an agency that believes that they’re not even a U.S. government agency… they’re completely unresponsive…
- The goal was to reform it. But now we have rank insubordination. Their basic attitude is we don’t work for anyone. We work for ourselves. No agency of government can tell us what to do.
Does not USAID meet the strictest deep state definition?
I believe USAID meets the definition… precisely and exquisitely.
Trump Locks USAID Office
Yet now the president has them in siege. It is he who is presently maneuvering against them.
He has in fact bolted the doors to their offices.
Reports PBS:
- Staffers of the U.S. Agency for International Development were instructed to stay out of the agency’s Washington headquarters, and yellow police tape and officers blocked the agency’s lobby on Monday…
- USAID staffers also said more than 600 additional employees had reported being locked out of the agency’s computer systems overnight. Those still in the system received emails saying that “at the direction of Agency leadership” the headquarters building “will be closed to Agency personnel on Monday, Feb. 3.
Thus I am pleasantly gobsmacked — I simply did not expect it.
‘But the Deep State Is Democracy!’
Shrieks of outrage have come rising in response.
Shrieks, for example, from Mr. David Corn of Mother Jones magazine:
- Donald Trump and his billionaire sidekick Elon Musk have initiated an all-out battle against the US government, the rule of law, and decency. They have mounted a blitzkrieg, a coup, an assault on the Constitution.
- It’s a mad power grab designed to steer the nation toward autocracy and full-fledged oligarchy. What’s under way is not merely the implementation of far-right policies but an attack on the American system and a hostile takeover of the nation.
Yet does not an insubordinate, unresponsive, defiant organization of the type described… puppeteered by the Central Intelligence Agency… itself constitute an attack on the American system?
Does it not itself constitute a hostile takeover of the nation?
I have my concerns.
USAID Will Just Get a New Home
Please understand, USAID will not go emptying into the hellbox, disbanded.
It will likely undergo absorption within the United States Department of State.
There — in theory — it will be watched.
And since watched, subjugated.
I am certain the deep staters are huddled in close discussion.
I am certain they are plotting schemes to shake loose from political supervision.
Good Luck, Mr. President
Yet the president has them on the rear foot.
And that is not nothing. It is something.
I expect they will shift their weight to the front foot soon enough.
They will resume their eternal conspiracies against the rights and liberties of American citizens.
They are simply too formidable to be leashed.
Yet I doff my cap to the president. He has taken up the cudgels.
Should he somehow triumph over them… I shall never be so happy… to have been so wrong.
Strength to your arm, Mr. President.
You will require every last ounce of it.
Brian Maher
for Freedom Financial News