Dear Reader,
I had this to say on Nov. 6:
- The bureaucratic agencies that sabotaged [Trump’s] first term will sabotage his second term… They will mine the roadways and dynamite the bridges.
- If Trump orders his understrapper to do such and such that the understrapper does not wish to do… the understrapper will say yes… then proceed to heave the order into his hellbox.
- Or if understrapper number one passes the order along to understrapper number two, understrapper number two will heave the order into his own hellbox. So on and so on, down and down the line, clear through the bureaucracy.
- How can this dictator accomplish anything in the teeth of such ferocious opposition? He cannot.
Thus I learn today that nearly half of federal bureaucrats are plotting mutiny against President-elect Trump.
The Daily Signal:
- A surprising number of federal government employees admit they are gearing up to act like a deep state, opposing the incoming second administration of Donald Trump…
- 42% of federal government managers who work in the Washington, D.C., swamp intend to work against the administration.
The Deep State Is Real
If you disbelieve in the Deep State, so-called, I invite you to have another guess.
Do you believe Deep State carries conspiratorial connotations?
You may then label it the permanent bureaucracy. The two are one.
Again I ask: How can this dictator accomplish anything in the teeth of such ferocious opposition?
And again I answer: He cannot.
Imagine if 42% of employees defied the instructions of their boss.
Imagine if 42% of an athletic team defied the instructions of their coach.
Imagine if 42% of an army defied the instructions of their general.
The business, the athletic team, the army could not function.
So it is with a government.
All Government Is Against Liberty
Yet I confess to a sly approval for the insurrectionists.
That is because I believe the bulking majority of government enterprise is unsound, unwarranted and unjust.
In many instances, unlawful.
I likewise believe that all government — democratic government included — inclines naturally to tyranny.
Thus I am with the very late yet great Henry Louis Mencken:
- All government, of course, is against liberty…
- The natural tendency of every government is to grow steadily worse — that is, to grow more satisfactory to those who constitute it and less satisfactory to those who support it…
- Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has never been a really good one, and even those that are most tolerable are arbitrary, criminal, grasping and unintelligent.
And so a government sabotaged by internal saboteurs appeals to me. It is capable of far less mischief than unified and energetic government.
Who Elected These People Anyway?
Yet a question naturally springs forth:
Did the American people elect the federal bureaucracy to power… or did they elect Donald John Trump to power?
The answer is that they elected Donald John Trump to power.
And so — if you cherish the gorgeous theories of democracy — the United States president should run the show.
The bureaucratic minion should heed his orders and implement them as told off to.
If he does not like it he can submit his resignation letter.
He can present his talents — should any exist — to the private sector.
There he can contribute to the gross domestic product… rather than subtract from the gross domestic product.
Would he sign away his sumptuous taxpayer-provided pension? Would he sign away his ability to loaf the day away without fear of termination?
Yes he would. Thus the choice is not easy. Yet it is the choice of an honest and upright fellow.
Should he remain in post he constitutes a menace to American democracy — at least to the American democracy gloried in the civics books.
Ah, But You Don’t Understand What Democracy Is
Yet the bureaucratic mutineer does not believe he constitutes a menace to American democracy.
He believes instead that he is democracy’s guardian, its fierce and zealous defender.
He believes he is democracy itself.
Against the hell-sent fiends of “populism” this democratic minuteman stands, resolute.
Mr. Michael Benz directs an outfit named the Foundation for Freedom Online. From whom:
- All of the elite establishments… under threat from the rise of domestic populism declared their own consensus to be the new definition of democracy.
- Because if you define democracy as being the strength of democratic institutions rather than a focus on the will of the voters, then what you’re left with is essentially democracy is just the consensus-building architecture within the democratic institutions themselves…
- What they essentially said is we need to redefine democracy from being about the will of the voters to being about the sanctity of democratic institutions. And who are the democratic institutions? Oh, it’s us. It’s the military, it’s NATO, it’s the IMF and the World Bank. It’s the mainstream media, it is the NGOs.
- From their perspective… all of the democratic institutions and infrastructure that gave rise to the modern world after World War II would collapse.
On this rock the saboteurs of the president’s policies will stand. It authors the warrant for their sabotage.
Trump’s Not My Ideal President
I am a proponent not of limited government — but of nearly non-existent government.
The former and future president is not.
He likes to spend money and wants government to get things done.
Thus the national debt spiraled 37% during his initial reign. The pandemic was only partly responsible.
He likes tariffs. I — meantime — take a dim view of tariffs in general. That is because I believe they often injure those they are intended to aid.
Yet I let it go.
The American people elected the fellow and I am happy about it. I find him vastly entertaining.
What is more, I considered his opponent a human blank of proportions truly stupefying.
And if a man can be judged by his enemies… this Trump must sure be an all right fellow.
I am against many of them.
Democracy Rules!
More importantly — and in the abstract — I am heart and soul for democracy. I believe the voters should get what they want.
Do they at times botch the vote? Do they at times vote for idiots and idiotic things?
I allow the possibility. I can even cite examples from history. In the high spirit of magnanimity I shall refrain from doing so.
Yet I recognize the American people’s democratic right, even sacred right, to do it.
Thus I am with the abovesaid Mencken:
“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
No bureaucrat should ever deny them that absolute and holy right.
Brian Maher
for Freedom Financial News