Dear Reader,
Mr. Trump’s political foes denounce his threats to deport — by the bushel — illegal immigrants.
It is “un-American,” they sob. It will sink the economy, they moan.
Yet as argued the late economist Milton Friedman:
“You can’t have free immigration and a welfare state.”
I believe there is justice in this argument. Yet the government of the United States appears hot to refute it.
How many millions has the present administration welcomed in since it assumed office?
Take the official figure and double it. It would likely yield a truer accounting.
The Difference Between Ellis Island and the Rio Grande
“Sink or swim on your own,” Uncle Samuel told the huddled Ellis Island masses. “Don’t look to me for a handout.”
Yet those antique days are over.
“How can I help you?” he presently asks the Rio Grande caravans.
“Let me start by handing you a debit card, a cellular telephone and an air ticket to the destination of your choosing. There we will quarter you and doctor you should you require doctoring. And — and — if you are a man who would prefer to be a woman… or a woman who would prefer to be a man… be assured I will provide you the wherewithal to be your true self.”
I have no heat against the migrants themselves. Many are simply fleeing outhouse nations in pursuit of penthouse American existences.
Who can blame them?
What is more, I believe many are superior specimens of homo sapiens — far superior than myself in fact.
And yet…
Don’t Make Me Pay for It
This United States citizen is jealous of the few dollars he maintains in his possession.
What is more, he is an invincibly stingy, crabbed and ungiving fellow. The milk of human kindness has long since drained from his veins — all three drops of it.
And Christian charity? It is absent from his blackened heart.
Will it consign him to Hell? Well friends, maybe it will.
Yet why should he be compelled to feed, quarter, doctor or maintain others whom he does not volunteer to feed, quarter, doctor or maintain.
Let them go upon their own hook, I say.
I feed, quarter, doctor and maintain pets. I do not delegate the business to my fellow taxpayers, sore beset as they are.
“But Maher,” you say, “you’re already supporting your fellow citizens through various welfare programs. Does it really matter if these people are citizens or not?”
To which I respond: “I don’t want to support my fellow citizens either!”
“You’re heartless,” you say.
Clearly. And?
I have already conceded my soul is likely destined for a very hot place.
But Immigration Enriches Us
“Think of how immigration enhances our culture. It makes us so much more vibrant. Just look at all the ethnic cuisine we have in this country — Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Thai, Ethiopian, etc.”
To which I say: “I have an excessively bland palate to match my personality. I have no need of exotic cuisine.”
“OK, but you say illegal immigration is a drain on the nation. But many illegal — no, undocumented workers — work hard. Harder, in fact, than most native-born Americans.
A lot of illegals also pay taxes. Even more, they don’t qualify for things like Social Security and Medicare, so they pay for them without even receiving any of the benefits. They’re actually supporting American citizens. That sounds like a good deal for us!”
I don’t deny that many immigrants work hard and contribute positively to society. I have encountered many such migrants myself.
And again: I have no heat against them.
Yet the Federation for American Immigration Reform has examined the ledgers.
The Cost of Illegal Immigration
The Federation for American Immigration Reform’s researches reveal that:
- The staggering total costs of illegal immigrants and their children outweigh the taxes paid to federal and state governments by a ratio of roughly 7 to 1, with costs at nearly $135 billion compared to tax revenues at nearly $19 billion.
- All told, the nearly $135 billion paid out by federal and state and local taxpayers to cover the cost of the presence of 12.5 million illegal aliens and their 4.2 million citizen children amounts to approximately $8,075 per illegal alien and citizen child prior to taxes paid, or $6,940 per person after taxes are paid.
- On the federal level, medical ($17.14 billion) is by far the highest cost, with law enforcement coming second ($13.15 billion) and general government services ($8 billion) third.
- At the state and local level, education ($44.4 billion) was by far the largest expense, followed by general public services ($18.5 billion) and medical ($12.1 billion).
Here I cite the Center for Immigration Studies:
- If illegal immigrants were legalized and began to pay taxes and use services like households headed by legal immigrants with the same education levels, the annual net fiscal deficit would increase to… $7,700 per household at the federal level.
Even Legal Immigration Is a Drain?
“Yeah, but you’re talking about illegal immigration here,” comes your response. “What about legal immigration? That certainly represents a net gain.”
I would advise you to have another guess.
As events have it, even legal immigration constitutes a net drain upon the American taxpayer. Remember what old Friedman said — that you can’t have both mass immigration and a welfare state?
I once again refer you to the Center for Immigration Studies:
- The National Research Council estimated in 1996 that immigrant households (legal and illegal) create a net fiscal burden (taxes paid minus services used) on all levels of government of between $11.4 billion and $20.2 billion annually.
- Illegal immigrants with little education are a significant fiscal drain, but less-educated immigrants who are legal residents are a much larger fiscal problem because they are eligible for many more programs.
In all, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates the American taxpayer will shovel out $451 billion per year on migrants.
Where then is the net benefit? And does not mass immigration depress the wages of those often on the lower rungs of the wage ladder — including native Blacks and Hispanics?
I do not stand against all immigration. Here I am emphatic.
Yet should not immigration should serve the host nation… rather than the reverse?
The Statue of Liberty, Not Immigration
You next say:
“Look, we’re a nation of immigrants. It’s who we are. Your own ancestors were immigrants. It would be un-American to deny these poor, suffering people the opportunities that America offers. They just want a better life. Have you ever heard of the Statue of Liberty?”
My response runs this way:
“We’re more a nation of settlers than immigrants. And it’s the Statue of Liberty, not the Statue of Immigration. It had nothing to do with immigration. That whole bit about giving me your huddled masses yearning to breathe free was written by a socialist in 1903.
And if you’re in a crowded lifeboat, should you take aboard everyone else in the water just because you have a seat and it would be unfair to deny others one? You’ll all sink.
And by the by, the United States severely restricted immigration in 1924. It did not open up again until 1965. Was that un-American? Clearly not because America DID it.”
Who We Are
“I’m starting to think that you’re just a hater,” comes the counterpunch. “And a racist. You sound like Trump.”
Yet here I extend a conciliatory hand:
“Here’s a compromise, in the spirit of Milton Friedman. You can have your mass migration. BUT you have to abandon the welfare state because we can’t afford both. How about that? Deal?”
Then who we are is a bunch of damned fools, that’s all.
And if it doesn’t end soon, a bunch of damned broke fools.
Brian Maher
for Freedom Financial News