Biden’s New Tariff War

An Economic Burden on American Families

The Biden Administration announced on May 14, 2024, the completion of its review of China’s trade practices under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974. The White House announcement maintains current tariffs on Chinese imports and includes plans to impose new tariffs on a range of Chinese products.

  • Increased Expenses for Americans: The new tariffs could lead to higher costs for various products, impacting Americans, especially those with medical needs.
  • Impact on Medical Supplies: Higher tariffs on medical products like syringes, needles, and PPE could strain the healthcare system and increase costs for patients.
  • Global Pandemic Concerns: Increased tariffs may affect global supply chains, potentially hampering the response to a new pandemic.

President Biden’s administration has launched a new wave of tariffs on Chinese imports, targeting a wide array of sectors from steel and aluminum to medical products.

The stated goal is to protect American jobs and industries from China’s unfair trade practices. However, these tariffs will undoubtedly lead to increased expenses for American families, particularly those with medical needs.

Economic Strain on American Families

The new tariffs imposed by the Biden administration are set to impact everyday goods, leading to higher costs for American consumers. For instance, steel and aluminum tariffs will rise to 25% in 2024, semiconductors will see a jump to 50% by 2025, and electric vehicles (EVs) will face a staggering 100% tariff increase in 2024. These hikes will inevitably lead to higher prices for consumer goods, from automobiles to electronics.

Medical Products Hit Hard

One of the most concerning aspects of these new tariffs is the impact on medical products. The tariffs on syringes and needles will increase from 0% to 50% in 2024, while tariffs on personal protective equipment (PPE) and rubber medical gloves will rise to 25% by 2026. As the report highlights:

“These tariff rate increases will help support and sustain a strong domestic industrial base for medical supplies that were essential to the COVID-19 pandemic response.”

However, the immediate effect will be an increase in healthcare costs for American families. With the cost of essential medical supplies rising, hospitals and clinics will likely pass these expenses onto patients, making healthcare even more unaffordable for many.

Impact on Critical Sectors

Steel and Aluminum

The Biden administration is increasing tariffs on steel and aluminum products to 25% in 2024. This move aims to bolster the U.S. steel industry against low-priced Chinese imports. However, these tariffs will also raise the cost of raw materials for American manufacturers, potentially leading to higher prices for a variety of goods.


The tariffs on semiconductors will rise to 50% by 2025. This sector is crucial for numerous industries, including automotive and healthcare. The report notes:

“China’s policies in the legacy semiconductor sector have led to growing market share and rapid capacity expansion.”

While the tariffs aim to counteract China’s market dominance, they will also increase the cost of semiconductors, affecting the price of electronic devices and medical equipment.

Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles will face a 100% tariff increase in 2024. This significant hike is intended to protect American EV manufacturers from unfair competition. However, it will also lead to higher prices for EVs, making them less accessible to consumers and potentially slowing down the adoption of clean energy vehicles.

Implications for a New Global Pandemic

The increased tariffs could have severe implications for the global response to a new pandemic. By disrupting supply chains and increasing costs, these tariffs might hinder the availability of critical medical supplies. This is particularly worrying given the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, where global cooperation and swift supply chain management were crucial.

The Biden administration’s actions aim to strengthen American industries and ensure fair competition. However, the potential for increased expenses and disrupted supply chains poses significant risks, especially in the healthcare sector. As the world braces for possible future pandemics, the balance between economic protectionism and global health preparedness remains delicate and critical.

While President Biden’s tariffs are designed to protect American jobs and industries, the immediate consequence will be increased costs for American consumers, especially in essential sectors like healthcare. The substantial tariff hikes on medical products, in particular, will burden families with higher healthcare expenses at a time when affordability is already a major concern. As these tariffs take effect, it will be crucial to monitor their impact on both the economy and the everyday lives of Americans.


The Freedom Financial News Team